This template was developed with the support of the North Carolina Partnership for Children National Technical Assistance Center. The purpose of this template is to help child care providers determine their annual operating budgets. The template was developed collaboratively by representatives from Work Family Resource Center, Davidson County Partnership for Children, and Compass Consulting Group. Part I of the template focuses on revenues, which include tuition, scholarships and subsidies, and any other source of income or resources for your child care site. Part II of the template focuses on expenses, which include salaries, benefits, taxes, and supplies. The following program records may help you fill out both parts of the template: Child enrollment records Current operating budget Cash flow statement Operating cost record Profit and loss statement Purchase or expenditure records Balance sheet Audit report W-2 forms Payroll records Salary schedule THANK YOU for volunteering to assist us with this project. We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions about the template or the project, please contact Compass Consulting Group representative Sarah Heinemeier at 866-209-0659 or
North Carolina Child Care Comprehensive Budget Template Issue Date: April 18, 2005 Draft One
Questions? Need help? Please contact Sarah at 866-209-0659 or
Part I: REVENUES Site Profile
This section asks for a brief description of your program.
What is your star rating? (If you’re not sure, please ask for assistance or leave blank): Do you operate a center or a home?
What are your current hours of operation: Are you for profit or non-profit?
to: _______
How many days per week are you open? (Please circle all that apply)
M Tu W Th F Sa Su
□ For Profit
□ Non