Schonberg, D., Bennett, A. H., Sufrin, C., Karasz, A., & Gold, M. (2015). What women want: A qualitative study of contraception in jail. American Journal of Public Health, 105(11), 2269-2274. Retrieved from
The title of this research article clearly summaries the contents contained. It immediately lets the reader know the study population consists of women who are incarcerated. Furthermore, the abstract also clearly and concisely addresses the main feature of the study which is addressing reproductive health care for the incarcerated woman. Use of a semi-structured in-depth interview of 32 …show more content…
The abstract also relates in conclusion that to provide incarcerated women with contraception, the jail will have to provided trusted high quality medical care while letting the woman remain in control of her decisions for or against contraception.
Critical Analysis The problem addressed in this study is unambiguous. The problem related is that the population of incarcerated women has been on the rise yet medical services of this population have failed to meet their needs. The specific medical need in focus is that of women’s reproductive health. In validation for this study, evidence is presented that reveals the number of incarcerated women has tripled over the last ten years and the numbers are over one million. Also among these numbers, most are of childbearing age and 80% have reported histories of unplanned pregnancies. This is a significant number of women of childbearing age and should be of concern to the nursing field. Understanding that reproductive health specifically about contraception is a very individualized matter, this study was properly conducted in a qualitative approach. Unfortunately the research questions were not explicitly stated. The interviews were