I realize that many citizens of the United States, including women and politicians, believe contraception is inhumane, anti-life, and against “natural law”; however, contraception has more uses than preventing pregnancy. For example, contraception can help with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). This condition causes excess body hair, infertility, acne, irregular periods, and ovarian cysts. Being a woman yourself, wouldn't you hope for a solution for PCOS? Wouldn't you prefer the choice of having a back up plan? Wouldn't you prefer that security that comes with contraception? It’s 2017 not 1950, yet politicians and religious groups are still trying to stop women from accessing contraception. The Catholic church believes contraception is evil and sinful, yet 77% of Catholic women are in favor of prescription birth control. …show more content…
Although this is true, at least people are having safe sex; especially since so many people are against abortions. If citizens were more attentive towards the bigger picture of the benefits of contraception, then those citizens could realize abortion rates have decreased immensely. If contraceptives were removed from shelves, then the rate of STDs can possibly increase. Contraception should be more supported seeing that it can prevent abortion and