The hypothesis is directly addressed. The findings state that the study demonstrates the expected increase in HSRT scores in the experimental group. The findings are not compared to what is mentioned in the literature review section of the study. The researcher states that this study is the first of its kind and offers quantitative research that was lacking in other studies mentioned in the literature review. Limitations were specifically mentioned in this study. Limitations in this study were the small sample size. Also there were limitations in the differences in clinical instructors and how that could affect how the students were critically thinking during simulation (Sullivan-Mann et al, 2009). Another limitation were the scenarios that could have been withheld from the control group. The control group could have received no simulation at all but because of the “do no harm” imperative, the control group could not be denied simulation scenarios (Sullivan-Mann et al, 2009). The researcher also noted generalizability in regards to the school that the study took students from, draws students from diverse backgrounds and in other nursing programs that could be
The hypothesis is directly addressed. The findings state that the study demonstrates the expected increase in HSRT scores in the experimental group. The findings are not compared to what is mentioned in the literature review section of the study. The researcher states that this study is the first of its kind and offers quantitative research that was lacking in other studies mentioned in the literature review. Limitations were specifically mentioned in this study. Limitations in this study were the small sample size. Also there were limitations in the differences in clinical instructors and how that could affect how the students were critically thinking during simulation (Sullivan-Mann et al, 2009). Another limitation were the scenarios that could have been withheld from the control group. The control group could have received no simulation at all but because of the “do no harm” imperative, the control group could not be denied simulation scenarios (Sullivan-Mann et al, 2009). The researcher also noted generalizability in regards to the school that the study took students from, draws students from diverse backgrounds and in other nursing programs that could be