This paper aimed to further describe with a proper explanation about the differences in Malay language and other language form that may be found different, thus the name contrastive analysis. Wrapping up this paper, two (2) paradigm found that explained the importance of contrastive analysis and the similarities as well as differences in Malay language with other languages, in this case English.
Questions would be ask by anyone regarding the rational of using contrastive analysis in learning language and why it is vital for us to keep practicing it when in the end, all that matters is the meaning of the sentences project. One must know that understanding and knowing the language make a major difference on indicating the level of proficiency of the language. Language does not usually appear on the literal meaning. Saussure, in 1969 said one thing that may be perceived as implicit or denotated meaning may somehow be interpreted differently as it may hold a connotative meaning in which need to be explained with the use of contrastive analysis. Further understanding, or critically ‘see’ the language from the point of view of the native speaker would greatly help in understanding it or better, avoid misunderstanding that may cause many consequences.
The ability to understand other language and of course understanding deeper in native language would greatly benefit one in conquering the language, plus expose the beauty of the language itself. Referred to Karin Aijmer and Bengt Altenberg in 1996, they do state that through analysing critically about the contrast of languages could give the learner or even the possessor of the language a new insight into the languages compares as in contrastive analysis. Many element in language that people often overlooked and the misuse of the language is often happened all because of understanding in one language is at the unsatisfying level and also not enough exposure upon the other native language.
Language plays a
References: Saussure, F. de. 1964. (1916). Cours de linguistique generale. Paris: Payot. Aijmer, K. 2002. Modal adverbs of certainty and uncertainty in an English-Swedish perspective. In Hasselgård et al. (2002), 97-112 Aijmer, K. and B. Altenberg. 1996. Introduction. In Aijmer et al. (1996), 11-16