National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM)
Ministry of Education, New Market, Dhaka – 1205
100 Foundation Training Course
(October 13, 2008 –February 09, 2009)
Topic: Contribution of EPZs to the National Economy of Bangladesh.
Md. Anowar Parvez
ID # 11, 100 FTC
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM)
Ministry of Education, New Market, Dhaka – 1205
100 Foundation Training Course
(October 13, 2008 –February 09, 2009)
Topic: Contribution of EPZs to the National Economy of Bangladesh.
|Supervisor |Prepared by |
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|Mr. Mushfique Ahmed |Md. Anowar Parvez |
|Assistant Director (Finance) |ID # 100, 100FTC |
|NAEM |Lecturer, Management |
| |Meherpur Govt. College, Meherpur. |
|. | |
The contribution of EPZ to the national economy is very vital for the employment and over all socioeconomic development. Poverty alleviation, employment, increasing the purchasing power and