Contribution of Hawthorne Study or Experiment in 21st Century
Submitted By:
M. M. A. AL- NUMAN Id no: 2012-1-10-150 SEC: 8 Course code: MGT 101 Course title: Principle of Management Semester: Fall 2012 Program: Bachelor of Business Administration EAST WEST UNIVERSITY
BBA Department EAST WEST UNIVERSITY DATE: 19th November 2012
Table of Contents Page No.
The Hawthorne Studies 02
Effect on productivity 03
Relay assembly 04
Feedback and result 04
Four Parts of Hawthorne Studies 05
Criticism of Hawthorne Studies 06
There are so many experiments are established for management research. The Hawthorne Studies or experiment is one of the big experience in management study. The main theory of this study is to find out result of productivity by controlling working condition.
The Hawthorne Studies
The Hawthorne Studies or experiments were established from 1927 to 1932 at the Western Electric Hawthorne Works in Chicago, where Harvard Business School professor Elton Mayo examined productivity and work conditions.
The studies grew out of preliminary experiments at the plant from 1924 to 1927 on the effect of light on productivity.
Those experiments showed no clear connection between productivity and the amount of illumination but researchers began to wonder what kind of changes would influence output.
Purpose of study was to examine what effect monotony and fatigue had on productivity and how to control them with
References: 1. Data accessed on 1st November 9:05 pm. 2. . Data accessed on 1st November at 8:30 pm. 3. Data accessed on 1st November 8:05 pm. 4. Theory of Elton Mayo/Business Guides & Articles.htm. Data accessed on 1st November 8:05 pm 5. http://nohawth.htm, Data accessed on 1st November 8:05 pm 6. Harvard Business School and the Hawthorne Experiments (1924-1933), Harvard Business School. 7., Data accessed on 1st November 8:05 pm 8. Hawthorne studies, Availableat: (Accessed on 28th November, 2012 ,9.45pm)