One of the major things that the Ancient Indians contributed to the world was astronomy. The Ancient Indians knew that the accuracy of some instruments could be improved by the size. Their theory—the bigger, the more accurate. The largest sundials in the world were created by the Ancient Indians. One in particular is known as the Samrat Yantra. The name translates to “the supreme instrument”. The sundial stands 27 meters tall. Its shadow moves visibly at 1 mm per second. This is more accurate than anything else from that time period. The Ancient Indians were many of the greatest minds behind mathematics. Some concepts that they came up with were the decimal number system, zero, negative numbers, arithmetic, algebra, and further advancements in trigonometry. The number system that we use today was derived from the Ancient Indians. But there is much emphasis on the concept of zero. Before the Ancient Indians, there was no symbol or way of representing nothing. Zero was the changing point, the missing puzzle piece, to mathematics. The fashion industry has been inspired by the Ancient Indians also. India was the first location to domesticate cotton. The Ancient Indians invented a machine to pick out the cotton seeds. They also made the spinning wheel which is a way to make the cotton balls into billions of threads. These threads are weaved to make a beautiful breathable fabric. The cotton industry is a very important industry today.
After analyzing the ways that the Ancient