The main purpose of the grid side converter (GSC) is to maintain the voltage level on the dc bus capacitor by exchanging active power with the grid. It also has the ability to control terminal voltage or power factor by exchanging reactive power with the grid.
Running on different operating conditions, the rotor of DFIG has different energy flow directions. Although energy always flows from stator to grid, sub-synchronous operating state, the energy flows from the grid to the rotor; super-synchronous operating state, the energy flows in an opposite way. Therefore, in order to make the system run in a wide speed range, it has to ensure that the rotor energy can flow in double-way. This process is achieved with GSC by regulating the stability of the DC voltage.
In this paper, the complete mathematic model of the GSC is obtained and controlled with two level pwm controller. The model is developed on the synchronously rotating, voltage oriented and dq reference frame since in this frame all the sinusoidal quantities are transformed into dc quantities in steady-state. GSC MATHEMTIC