I The Johns Hopkins and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Control of communicable diseases 7
This measles 'jab' will help prevent this child from the consequences of measles such as pneumonia, malnutrition, blindness and brain disease. Photo:Marko Kokic,Canadian Red Cross
Control of communicable diseases in emergencies
This chapter gives an overview of common and emerging communicable disease threats among displaced populations because of natural and human-made disasters. General and disease-specific strategies for monitoring, preventing and controlling disease outbreaks are discussed.
Learning objectives
To review communicable diseases of public health importance;
To discuss the basic principles for communicable disease control in emergency and post-conflict situations;
To plan a communicable disease control programme for emergency settings;
To discuss simple but effective ways of preventing outbreaks of communicable diseases; To describe how to manage specific disease outbreaks in emergency settings;
To review re-emerging and other diseases that may affect displaced populations;
To discuss how to monitor and evaluate communicable disease control programmes. Key competencies
Identify communicable diseases of public health importance;
Discuss the basic principles for communicable disease control in emergency and post-conflict situations;
Discuss how to design and evaluate disease control programmes;
Describe common disease control strategies including prevention, surveillance and outbreak investigation;
Describe methods for promoting community-based and community-led communicable disease control approaches;
Decide when to scale up and scale down disease control efforts;
Discuss the causes, risk factors, clinical features and management of common diseases; Identify cases with zoonotic diseases and other re-emerging communicable diseases
(such as SARS, bird flu, Ebola