What is accounting? Accounting is the process of measuring and recording the financial value of the assets and liabilities of a business and monitoring these values as they change with the passage of time. In accounting, internal control plays an important role in preventing and detecting fraud and protecting the organization’s resources. Control procedures, which constitute one of the most important elements of internal control.
Separation of duties. Assign separate cash handling and accounting duties among various staff members, and even various departments, if possible. For example, do not allow the person who makes bank deposits to be the only one running the cash register, and do not allow the person who places supplies orders to sign off on checks to suppliers. Make sure that cash reporting responsibilities are spread out enough to prevent theft by collusion. This can be done by giving some responsibility to front-line employees.
Cash control. Cash control is one of the most important aspects of an internal accounting control system. Allow only a few trusted employees to make cash deposits, and require these employees to make deposits as soon and as frequently as possible. Keep records of all deposits that include both internally generated records and bank deposit slips, and compare them to your bank statement each month. Hold cash in a secure location when it is on hand. Keep prepared deposits in a locked safe until the deposits are made, and secure cash registers