For this, the service provider can take some steps to make them confident and feel safe. First thing they can do is, do not be criticising the service user but make sure that you do not seem to be judging the patient. The second step is to, if you have any concerns in regards to the patient’s support and personal care needs, you need to report to the manager. Third step is to make sure you documented all what happened and sign the documents in appropriate and safe place. The last step is to never promise any service user that you will keep the secret or won’t tell it to …show more content…
It can portray others that the other service user is doing something which is right and others will follow the same discriminatory manner leaving the subjected people to feel vulnerable, targeted, helpless or powerless. There isn’t a specific person or group of people that get discriminated bare in mind that anyone can be discriminated. Also, it can take the form of sexual harassment, bullying or racism. Moreover, it can also lead to the person discriminated against being subjected to as contradiction of possibility of their care, or they have to accept the care they are been offered, denial of giving privacy and dignity to their service user and possibly personal property, given punishment such as not been provided food and drink and refuse to help the service user and do not give access to the services, negation of disabled and vulnerable people to have access or maybe deny access to or being excluded from care setting improperly. Furthermore, because of discrimination people be fearful of others even if they try to help them, they lose their self-esteem which may feel like they aren’t worth it and they mean nothing. Also feel anxious so they feel nervous and at uneasy when they think about something. Likewise, the service user may feel withdrawn from the society and other people and when they do not get accepted by a particular group because of that they may feel angry and