Many people are able to control their anger, unfortunately I often let mine out, for instance by slamming doors and yelling at the people around me. One way I try to prevent an explosion from happening is by attacking something that needs cleaning, in fact almost every neat closet and tidy drawer in the house owes its orderliness to one of my bad moods. Another method I have for working off my anger is running. When I am about to blow up I put on my running shoes and pound the roadway for several kilometers. When my family sees me lacing up my shoes everyone stands clear, they know that I’m like a stick of dynamite with its fuse lit. Cleaning and running are positive ways I cope with anger, however I indulge in one negative way as well, which is eating. When I don’t want to clean or if its raining outside I head for the kitchen .I pull a carton of ice cream out of the freezer and eat the entire liter while holding the dripping container in my hand, or mixing some chocolate chip cookie dough. When the cookies come out of the oven I guard them jealously and eat them all one by one. After an eating binge I don’t feel as tired or cleansed as I do when I run or clean, instead I am depressed and feel disgusted with myself. I am currently trying to stick to my positive anger control methods. I don’t want to gain any more weight. In addition, I don’t want to anger cycle by becoming angry with myself. It is not easy to struggle with anger, butI know I must.
Many people are able to control their anger, unfortunately I often let mine out, for instance by slamming doors and yelling at the people around me. One way I try to prevent an explosion from happening is by attacking something that needs cleaning, in fact almost every neat closet and tidy drawer in the house owes its orderliness to one of my bad moods. Another method I have for working off my anger is running. When I am about to blow up I put on my running shoes and pound the roadway for several kilometers. When my family sees me lacing up my shoes everyone stands clear, they know that I’m like a stick of dynamite with its fuse lit. Cleaning and running are positive ways I cope with anger, however I indulge in one negative way as well, which is eating. When I don’t want to clean or if its raining outside I head for the kitchen .I pull a carton of ice cream out of the freezer and eat the entire liter while holding the dripping container in my hand, or mixing some chocolate chip cookie dough. When the cookies come out of the oven I guard them jealously and eat them all one by one. After an eating binge I don’t feel as tired or cleansed as I do when I run or clean, instead I am depressed and feel disgusted with myself. I am currently trying to stick to my positive anger control methods. I don’t want to gain any more weight. In addition, I don’t want to anger cycle by becoming angry with myself. It is not easy to struggle with anger, butI know I must.