
Controversial Issues That Occurred During The 1900's

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Controversial Issues That Occurred During The 1900's
To Kill A Mockingbird Research Essay
Over the past century America has suffered many controversial issues that are still up for discussion today. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird Scout and her family get to live through the rough times of racial prejudice and inequality the many issues that happened between the 1900’s. We discover that the Civil Rights Movement was a huge impact through both the novel and the Great Depression. Through these tough times we experience racial prejudice, unfair treatment, and racial inequality. First and foremost during the 1900’s racial inequality took over most of the South. There was not an equally treated black in the entire southern region. Many became slaves for white families. For example, in
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Not only did this happen in the 1900’s it is still common today in the world. In To Kill A Mockingbird we see that during Tom Robinson’s trial Judge Taylor makes a comment towards the jury that they will not be prejudice at the time (Lee 207). Which is understood to mean that they are prejudice just not in this circumstance. The same issue arose during the Civil Rights Movement. In the book Loving vs. Virginia it discusses the topic of how people should not discriminate against any individual no matter who they are, what they believe, or the color of their skin (Powell 196). Which also explains how people were trying to get rid of racial prejudice. These events relate to each other because they show the way people were being prejudice towards the black people because of their skin color. Also showing that even though they are not being prejudice at the time they still were. In To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus tells the judge that white people many times will forget the colored folks are people too (Lee 229). This proves that when they are speaking to Tom and Bob Ewell talks about Tom that he refers to him almost like he is an inferior person. That does not really matter. In Loving vs. Virginia they are receiving poor treatment and discrimination. They are being treated like animals and are abandoned (Powell 196). But the black people would treat the white people with respect like in To Kill A Mockingbird when people would give up their seats (Lee 187). The same thing occurs when Rosa Parks was supposed to give up her seat but she boycotted against it (Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Boycott 3). All of these examples explain how people really were prejudice and they did not realize they were talking to human beings like

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