The women of the brothel parallel (and thus mock) the act of circumambulation of the kabah by encircling the central fountain in their compound. Rushdie challenges the most sacred of sacred things in Islam, the Quran's inspiration by the archangel Gabriel himself.
This is not an all-inclusive list of the various spices in this novel, but Rushdie seemed to be unable to make up his mind about his intent regarding these basic issues surrounding the portrayal of Submission/Islam. For example, he explained in the Indian newspaper India Today:
I have changed names. I have given the name of an Egyptian temple, Abu Simbel, to the leader of Mecca. I have not called the cities by their names the image out of which the good grew was of the prophet going to the mountain and not being able to tell the difference between the angel and the devil. The book is also about the wrestling match which takes place between the