Within the Fourth Amendment states “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…” -US Constitution of Rights. We feel that if we were policed over what we did on the internet, it would impede on this amendment as well. For example, if a person chose to type something that someone else may find fishy, even though it may not be of any harm or be illegal, and they were to be tracked upon their actions then it would be against the Fourth Amendment. It would be an indirect search and seizure of their home and personal computer if they chose to track what that person was doing or viewing. It would violate their right to privacy to be followed without reason or consent to these actions. It could be argued that being able to track potential cyber criminals would be a useful thing to do, however the ability to track people on the internet without a warrant would be easily and very quickly
Within the Fourth Amendment states “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…” -US Constitution of Rights. We feel that if we were policed over what we did on the internet, it would impede on this amendment as well. For example, if a person chose to type something that someone else may find fishy, even though it may not be of any harm or be illegal, and they were to be tracked upon their actions then it would be against the Fourth Amendment. It would be an indirect search and seizure of their home and personal computer if they chose to track what that person was doing or viewing. It would violate their right to privacy to be followed without reason or consent to these actions. It could be argued that being able to track potential cyber criminals would be a useful thing to do, however the ability to track people on the internet without a warrant would be easily and very quickly