The earth’s main resources are perpetual resources like solar energy, renewable resources like forests and fresh water, and nonrenewable resources like oil and gas. The resources can be depleted or degraded by overuse, by waste, by pollution, and by man’s increasing “ecological footprint.”…
We rely on so many resources to help us advance as we continue into the future, but we are relying on them too much and it’s threatening out world. Try to imagine yourself and your life without resources, no oil, plastic, wood, etc., what could you survive without? Reading the articles, “The Curse of Water Bottles” and “Fracking Threatens Everyone” we see just which resources aren’t completely necessary. Certain resources had a period where they were the rise of mankind, but to this day they are the cause of the falling of mankind.…
In the first source, it’s ideological perspective is the contrast between the mass consumption and unsustainability of the smaller population of North America with the very large population of sustainable countries like Asia and Africa. Source II and III bring up the point that the growth of businesses and governments do not always benefit the global environment and economy. The first perspective shows how unstable and unsustainable the Earth’s resources are and that North America’s rate of production and consumption is double that of the closest consumer area. It shows that the Earth’s resources are in serious danger of being used up especially for countries that have already developed.…
With today’s rising population around the world, we have been exhausting our limited natural resources, if we do not learn to conserve all the limited natural resources, we will have nothing left for our future generations.…
Explanation of your response: China has the largest population in the world. People would assume with such a large population, consumption of natural resources would be great as well. However, Americans consume far more than any other nation on the planet. Americans consume more than three times the global average of 80 pounds per person per year. Asians consume the least, at 13 pounds per person per year. Since the last century, the United States has been struggling immensely with air and water pollution, deforestation and overpopulation. These struggles are due to poor prevention planning and industrial demonstration. Unfortunately, it is not only the United States that needs to change. Many other countries are going through the same struggle. Prevention and preservation is up to every person, business, and government organization by changing the way we all reduce, reuse, and recycle products to change the bad habits humans have been senselessly doing in the past century. Taking care of our most precious resources and preserving them for our future generations to…
Furthermore, environmentalists are focusing too much on environmental degradation and totally ignoring about the improvement in environmental condition. They fail to address the cases of environmental improvement. For example: according to "The economist" in the article "The east is gray" America and Europe combined are cutting down their emissions by 60m tones a year in spite of increase in industrial activities.…
However, with continued global warming, environmental problems will occur as due to excessive resource use such as with the USA consuming around 25% of global resources. As global governance suggested, it wishes to reduce greenhouse gases and resource consumption, which in this day and age may be hard to do as due to our technological boom. It is interesting how the US committed to the Copenhagen Change Summit in order to reduce carbon dioxide from coal-based power generation to solar and natural gas production. Through these drastic changes it suggests a better world is to come in the near future, as with…
"The major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, particularly in the industrialized countries. Developed countries must take the lead in achieving sustainable consumption."…
One viewpoint would state that the ideological perspective presented in the source should be embraced minimally because the effect of economic globalization has positively contributed to the sustainability prosperity for all people. They would argue that industrialization and the increase in global trade has led to; more development of transportation and technology, peaceful relationship with other nations and improved quality of life. Another perspective suggests that we should greatly embrace the ideological perspective, as economic globalization has negatively impacted the sustainable prosperity for all people. They believed the interdependence between countries has led to; exploitation of resources by transnational companies, trade encourages subjection and slavery and the importation of illegal items. The fact is, we should moderately embrace the ideological perspective illustrated in the source. While economic globalization has contributed to sustainable prosperity for some, as it has resulted providing job opportunities to the locals. However, it has not significantly affected the sustain prosperity for all. Higher rates of production in goods and services has negatively impacted the environment affecting all people around the world and underdeveloped countries are in risk of being economic and political exploited by those who are…
And everyone can say or thought, its okay it is only a financial problem, but the answer to that comment is that isn’t true, the problem goes more beyond than only financial, it also affects the environment and more of what you think, throughout this essay it is being saying that hyper consumerism is a chain of several problems, well now we can add environmental problem. “Sufficient to note that the 20 richest countries in the world have used nature in this century, that it is to say more raw materials and nonrenewable energy resources, that all mankind throughout history and prehistory Vilches, A.…
The planet is suffering, take an example of Africa, the continent faces environmental crisis. Rapid deforestation is leading to land degradation, pollution, climate change, and the loss of bio-diversity. This threatens the future of the people of Africa. In other words, an impoverished land is leading to impoverished people. In this case poverty is linked inextricably to the environment and action to protect and care for the environment must be taken. If not, the poison of poverty will continue to plague the continent.…
North America has been struggling immensely since the last century with air and water pollution, deforestation, and overpopulation. These struggles are due to poor prevention planning and industrial manifestation. Pollution is changing the atmosphere much sooner than expected and global warming is predicted to overwhelm the atmosphere within the next half of a century. In order to sustain the environment and atmosphere humans must take immediate action right now. The longer we wait to start immediate prevention, the sooner our air and water supplies will diminish.…
There is a great deal of animosity between developed and developing countries today. Most developed countries, have become more environmentally friendly and responsible. Take for instance, the use of nuclear power over the traditional fossil fuels. Or the implementation of carbon credits. These are some steps taken by developed countries to protect the environment. However, today’s new superpowers such as China and India are experiencing breakneck economic growth and progress. In the process of doing so, these countries have accelerated environmental degradation. Take for instance, according to statistics, China opens one new coal-powered every week, adding more and more carbon dioxide to our atmosphere. These startling new developments in developing countries have created a much heated debate between developed and developing countries, over the issue of whether environmental protection should take precedence over economic development. Does this author agree with the motion then? This author does not. This essay will discuss some of the reasons as to why this author thinks so.…
Second, according to United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (UNMEA) , developed countries only account for fifteen per cent of the world’s population, but use over eighty five per cent of its resources. In order to satisfy their high consumption of lifestyle, a form of environmental colonism has recently been developed by transferring their resource-intensive and polluting industries to developing countries. Without these industries, it seems that rich nations have their environmental standard raised so as to combat the global environmental crisis. However, they turn a blind eye on the reality that any problems can be relocated except the pollution.…
In the future when the third world country becomes a more developed country and decide that there is no longer need for the 1st world countries to help, having left the responsibility of environmentalism in their country with the 1st world countries, the environment in their country will only get more worse than it already was before the 1st world countries had dealt with it. In addition, once one third world country starts to depend on the first world country with their environmentalism in their country they might send a message to other third world countries that they do the same and leave the responsibility with the 1st world countries or even borrow any amount of money they want and get away with it. By doing so, more of such crutch mentalities will be implemented in other countries.…