First Nation Jurisdiction Over First Nation Education In Ontario
Our Children, Our Future, Our Vision
This report has been produced by the New Agenda Working Group established by the Chiefs of Ontario and synthesizes information previously published in other studies or papers and recent input gathered from First Nations individuals and organizations as noted in the report. The report does not claim to represent the views or positions of any particular First Nation, First Nations’ organization or treaty council in Ontario and is published without prejudice to any legal proceedings. Furthermore, this report is independent from the AFN-AANDC National Panel on Education. 1 Many thanks to the following individuals who took time from their busy schedules to guide the development of this report. The New Agenda Working Group and the Chiefs of Ontario Education Coordination Unit Sally Hare ..................................................................................... Education Assistant, Chiefs of Ontario Julia Candlish...........................................................................Education Coordinator, Chiefs of Ontario Stephanie Roy .................................... Executive Director, Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute, United Chiefs & Councils of Mnidoo Mnising Marnie Yourchuk............................................. Education Program Manager, North Shore Tribal Council Stuart Clendenning .................................. Director of Education, Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Shirley Miller .......................................Program Coordinator, Post Secondary Services, Southern First Nations Secretariat Barry Montour......................................................................................Director of Education, Akwesasne Murray Maracle ..................................................................Education Director, Union of Ontario Indians Kathy Beardy