Locate a lesson plan that has a cooperative learning activity to present to your Learning Team. Alternatively, you may locate an existing lesson plan and incorporate a cooperative learning activity into it.…
References: Emmer, E. T. & Gerwels, M. C. (2002). Cooperative learning in elementary classrooms, the elementary school journal, 103, 75-92.…
al review the impact of implementing cooperative learning into the classroom. To conduct their study, the authors gained insight into the perceptions of 10 teachers from Australia who introduced cooperative learning into their classes over two school terms. Having attracted so much attention over the past few decades and with copious amounts of research suggesting it has both academic and social benefits for students, cooperative learning is a topic of great interest to me. In this study the teachers reported a number of benefits to be gained from cooperative learning although difficulties with its implementation were also experienced. This article provided me with important insight into the problems teachers commonly experience when using group work. For example, the tendency for students to socialise rather than focus on the task at hand, the level of preparation required for its effective implementation and managing time effectively. Methods to overcome these problems were also mentioned with the authors identifying a number of factors as being crucial to its success including, group composition, task type and training for both teachers and students alike. With such a large body of research supporting the use cooperative learning the reluctance of teachers embracing it concerns me. Gilles et al. propose that this resistance may be a result of the lack of understanding from teachers, on the effective use of cooperative learning as a pedagogical practice. When implementing cooperative learning there are many factors for teachers to consider. These include, ensuring group work is well prepared and well structured, providing tasks that are challenging and demonstrate a level of complexity and preparing students skills to resolve and manage conflict and monitor group progress. This is significant as research suggests that often little consideration is given to group composition, task complexity or skill preparation, when students are…
This in turn helps group learners to also use their shared experiences (peer teaching) as examples to illustrated and cement a learning point. Group learning develops and promotes group problem solving skills with team building skills both with individuals and groups. Good group learning is inclusive and promotes different approaches/styles to learning to encompasses and ensure diversity and equality.…
According to Gonzalez (2009) cooperative learning is a strategy that teachers can use the help of peer group to increase conceptual learning to integrate prior knowledge to subject and topic learning, and ultimately, to increase academic achievement. The author stated young peers can act as resources for one another because they have different strengths and weaknesses across content and developmental areas.…
SERC (2007). Teaching & Learning Initiative. Six Approaches to Co-Teaching. Retrieved February 10, 2015 from www.ctserc.org/initiatives/teachandlearn/coteach.shtml…
With collaborative group work you can also observe group work and presentations; this can encourage learners to give peer feedback .you would need to make a decision as to the contribution of each learner if there work was part of a group activity. Such as their group project were this would come under summative assessment because they start this at the beginning of the course and give a group presentation at the end.…
Slavin, R. E. (1980, June). Cooperative Learning. Review of Educational Research, 50(2), 315-342. doi: 10.3102/00346543050002315…
A reflection on the skills acquired from collaborative learning and how they may be applied in practice…
The first teaching strategy mentioned is co-operative learning strategy. In which, students can use think-pair-share, peer-tutoring, or group assignments to work together to learn how to solve mathematical equations. The purpose of co-operative learning is that students can benefit from teaching each other, sharing ideas, and clarifying their own thinking processes while working together in groups of two or more. For instance, teachers can create worksheets or quizzes that are a bit more challenging than the student’s homework so the students will need to work as a group to solve all the problems. And, if they all get the same grade than they will be more to likely communicate together, share their work, and ideas with each other to attain the best grade possible. Additionally, since group assignments or activities are based on the need for students to compare their work and answers with one another, discuss the ways in which they solved an equation, and justify why their answer is right will help reinforce what they previously learned, thereby encouraging students to participate more in group activities and more inclined to enjoying math.…
In the article, The Collaborative Classroom: New Technology Brings New Paradigm, Clapp and Swenson describe the culture of a collaborative classroom. In this type of class, teachers and students work together and the role of being in control by the teacher is eliminated. Instead, teachers guide students to work together and build teamwork. “Open Leadership” promotes empowerment of the students. Students work in teams or small groups to collaborate on work. They share information through digital tools like Google Docs, Google Drive, or Prezi Meeting to work on assignments and have the ability to present them together. This type of setting enables students to feel confident in communicating and collaborating with others. Classrooms can…
A reflective essay on the skills acquired from collaborative learning and how they may be applied in practice.…
cooperative learning into a classroom in order to give students the opportunity to actively process…
Educators are continently attending workshops or meetings to improve their teaching techniques and skills in the classroom. Incorporating strategies in the classroom can sometimes be a difficult task, but in the end witnessing successful students is more important. One of my main goals as an educator it to make sure I am teaching the content correctly, so it will stick with each and every student. I can achieve this through the use of differentiated instruction. Using a variety of techniques such as visuals, auditory, and kinesthetic learning will help all students to be successful. If an educator presents materials in a variety of ways then it will be more likely that students will be able to catch on to one of the strategies to learn the content better. It is known that an ELL student will be more successful if they are able to learn through visuals. If an educator only teaches through verbal cues then the ELL students will have a harder time interpreting and processing the materials in various lessons. Using all three learning styles will help all my students to learn more effectively, in turn, being more successful. Student collaboration is a great tool to help students learn and to make sure students become comfortable with one another. Students can learn cultural differences through graphic organizers, cooperative learning techniques, and group work. Cooperative learning is essential for students to be successful in a classroom setting. It allows students to collaborate as a group, allows students to be responsible for their own tasks, and allows students to discuss various topics openly. Some other strategies that can be used in the classroom are think alouds, asking higher order thinking questions and learning, and building from things they already know. These strategies are very important because it helps students to feel comfortable,…
4. Weidner (2003,p.29) states that cooperative learning is a special form of group teaching which accentuates and structures social processes in learning and makes them a subject of discussion.…