1.1 Background of Study
Coordinate systems form a common frame of reference for description of positions and on the other hand, coordinates are simply an ordered set of numbers that are used to describe the positions or features in coordinate system. Transformation parameters are required to move from one system to another. Also, new technologies like global positioning system have provide new methods of coordinates determination the map production, update and revision are based on geographical coordinates, map-grid coordinates or coordinates in an arbitrary system. Some other based on old (local) system. With so many geodetic datums in current use, it is becoming almost common practice to transform coordinates from one datum to another. For an example, a surveyor, using GPS, will obtain the WGS 84 geocentric, geodetic or Cartesian coordinates of the survey point. In order to plot the position on the corresponding local map, these WGS 84 coordinates must be first transformed into the local datum on which the map is based, which in Malaysia would most probably be Malayan Revised Triangulation 1948 (MRT 48) for Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo Triangulation 1968 (BT68) for East Malaysia. Therefore, coordinates transformation play many important roles in land survey development for coordinates transformation, datum conversion and map projection. Thus, development and manipulation in coordinate transformation system software currently become more exclusive together with the growing technology in Malaysia.
1.2 Problem Statement
As already known, there is few coordinates system in Malaysia and most off situation for a surveyor required doing a coordinate transformation from one datum to another datum. However, datum conversion and transformation can be accomplished by many methods.
Hence, a computer programming becomes a useful tool to solve our problems using manual computation for a coordinate
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