What is Vilification
Abusively disparaging speech or writing.
The issue of vilification and …show more content…
Meaning that no one can change your work without your permission no one can destroy your work without first asking you if you want to take it back no one can show your work in a way that damages its meaning
A person whose reputation has been attacked can sue for defamation if damaging material that identifies them was published. Defamation law deals with protecting reputations. Defamation law gives a person whose reputation has been wrongfully attacked the right to take legal action against those responsible for the attack. The option of taking legal action is only available if material was published (this includes being written, spoken or illustrated, including being posted on the internet) to at least one other person;
(the person who claims to have been defamed), whether directly or indirectly.
The Raw Law provides legal information for those who are partaking in the arts.
Raw Law looks at main legal issues