CAD is caused from plaque buildup in the arteries. The plaque builds up in the little passage way in the artery causing the flow of blood to lessen, which in turn can cause a heart attack. This plaque can also break off and will cause a blood clot, which can stop the flow of blood through the vein. Risk factors such as “smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure” (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, page 1) can cause the plaque buildup in the arteries. Other uncontrollable factors such as heredity or environment that can also cause this disease.
Affected Populations CAD caused 425,425 deaths in 2006 and is the single leading cause of death in America today. Estimations show that affected population per 100,000 people was 176.3 for White males and 206.4 for Black males; and 101.5 for White females and 130.0 for Black males (, statistics) [this is not a correct citation and needs more info to even create a reference]. According to the American heart association, men have the greater risk than woman and people with a history of heart disease in the family are at greater risk to develop it. African Americans are known to have high blood pressure, which also puts them in the high risk category to develop CAD. After researching statistics it seems CAD does not discriminate and can attack everyone who does not help themselves maintain a healthy cardio system. People in high risk categories are tobacco users, people with high blood pressure, physical inactivity, obesity, and people with high cholesterol.