March 30,2011
INTRODUCTION Good evening Camalanda-an! Sa aton mga bisita halin sa nagkalainlain nga sitio kag barangay, members of the barangay council, fellow teachers, distinguished guests, friends mayong gab-I sa inyo tanan. Welcome to the HilayHilay Festival Coronation Night 2011. Tonight is the celebration of thanksgiving for the natures gift of bountiful harvest, for the blessings of wellness to all camalanda-anons and to the human empowerment brought by love, unity and cooperation among every members of our community. This evening, we are on the climax of our celebration. The coronation of our Hilay-Hilay Festival Queen.
Prayer To start with , let us be silent for a moment of prayer as we commit ourselves to our almighty God. To be lead to us by ___________________. Please remain standing for the singing of the National Antheme.
To join us, in our merriment this evening, we are graced with the presence of some special guest. Without further ado, may I call on Mrs. Helen B. Dulla- Principal of Camalanda-an Elem. School to introduce to us our distinguished guest for tonight.
WELCOME Message Hon. Jemuel G. Dulla Sr. will give his words of welcome.
Thank you Hon Dulla For that warm welcome.
And Now, it’s time to witness the entrance of of our Royalties, Our gorgeous and lovely queen and Princesses with their handsome escorts.
Ang aton nga royal court pagapangunahan sg aton sash bearer , non other than Rexie Marvie Gersaniva, daughter / son of Mr. and Mrs.Remegio Gersniva.
3rd Princess- is Miss ________________ . She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. _____________________________________. She is escorted by __________________ the son of Mr. and Mrs. _______________________. The couple is representing the Barangay council.
2nd Princess- is in the person of Miss Mailyn Aguirre, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ______________________. She is Escorted by Mr. ______________________, the son of Mr. & mrs.