Mr. Jon Schneiderman
Enc 1101
4 April 2013
Corporal Punishment
The question of whether corporal punishment is an effective method of discipline is greatly debated. Corporal Punishment is a form of physical discipline that may cause pain for wrongdoing, or to bring for change in ones attitude which may seem disrespectful. Corporal punishment should not be allowed in my opinion because to what extent is this type of punishment considered abuse, it could traumatize children and it may cause the child to grow up thinking that violence and love is ok.
“In 20011, a CBS news reporter by the name of Maura Kennedy reported that a man from Colorado had been facing charges of child abuse for spanking his own son.” His child was sent to school like any other normal day when his teacher noticed marks on his bottom. Allegedly the child had stated that, he had been “giving a spanking” the night before. Minutes later his parents were notified of the situation in which his father replied, “ I spanked his butt out of love, I don’t want him act out in school or to think it’s ok to talk to parents like that “. According to Colorado’s Criminal Code, child abuse is defined as “when a person acts with knowledge or recklessly and the child results in any injury”. But with a law so broad, it can also overrule the way couples choose to scold their kids. If this is so when it comes to discipline the same should apply in the schools. Discipline of the same sort in the home or in the schools both imply the same thing. Even though corporal punishment is legal in nineteen schools I feel as though if it’s already being enforced in the homes of the students that’s where the line should be drawn.
In the book, “Beating the Devil out of them: Corporal Punishment in American Families and its effect on children”, Murray A. Straus, one of the world’s leading researchers on family violence, discusses the extent to which parents in the united states use corporal punishment (such
Cited: Donnelly, Michael. “Theoretical Approaches to corporal punishment”. ( Lexington Books ) 1994. Gershoff, ET. “Physical punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychological Bulletin 128; 539-579 Kennedy, Maura. Krex News room – Krex-tv . Man Faces Child Abuse Charges For spanking son. February 2011.Domestic CP Straus, A. Murray. “Beating the Devil out of Them: Corporal punishment in American Families and its effect on children.” Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland Or.