college and graduate students (“Back to School,” 2014). This is great, not only for the people getting a new opportunity, but for the American economy. More people spending money on college leads to more money being put into the economy. This new opportunity is benefiting people everywhere. There are a multitude of people who are opposed to adults going back to college after they've worked. This argument starts with the simple fact that it takes time- time that well-adjusted adults simply do not have. However, this issue is simply resolved by moving your scheduele around or taking weekend classes. Another argument would be that going back to college is too expensive, but this problem is quickly solved with community college. Technology has propelled education into an increasing and ever-growing whirlwind of change and improvement. With the devlopment of technologies such as ebooks, chromebooks, ipads, laptops, and much more, school has become increasingly revolved around technology. Items such as posterboards, 3-ring binders, and notebooks are slowly becoming out-of-date. Although it is apparent that technology has done a lot of good when it comes to education, many people take the argument that it is harmful. I agree with them to an extent. It can be unhealthy if it used too much. There is a chemical called dopamine that is released when an alcoholic or a drug-addict is given the very thing that they are addicted to. This exact same chemical is released when a cell phone buzzes. There is no question that technology has the potential to become an addiction. However, it completely depends on who is handling the technology and who's regulating the students' access to technology. If it's a teacher, or someone in authority, which it most often is, there is no reason that there would be a problem. Therefore, this argument is proven invalid. One very important change that has occurred is the ending of corporal punishment in schools. There is an abundance of research that supports the fact that corporal punishment doesn't work (“Is Corporal Punishment Effective,” 2002). So, if it doesn't work, it doesn't make sense that it would be used at all, especially in schools. It has been found that while spanking may stop bad behavior at the time, it is not a permanent solution (Samakow). In general, most punishment should be kept at home. It is inappropriate for a teacher to try to take the position of a parent. If a parent can have the police called on them for giving their child a spanking, a teacher doing it is unacceptable. Education has evolved tremendously in this sense, and now 31 states have banned corporal punihsment from schools. However, there is a valid argument for corporal punishment.
Many people belive that our children are growing up to not be tough enough. They are offended by everything and need something or someone to bring a little toughness into their lives. I, however, strongly disagree with that. I once heard Pat Mesiti, a financial speaker, speak. One of the stories he told really stood out to me, and has stuck with me ever since. When Mesiti was really young his father used to beat him. In return, he was always a trouble maker at school, constantly talking, distracting the class, a total class clown. So, he often was sent to the principal's office to have his hand smacked with a ruler. One day, when he was in about first grade, he was tracing the alphabet and, despite his best efforts, doing very badly. However, his teacher noticed how hard he was working and, in order to reward him, sent him to the principles office to get a sticker. He walked in with a big smile on his face, and just as he was about to tell the principal that he had done something good, the principal took out her ruler and smacker his hands, telling him what a terrible child he was. A switch flipped inside Mesiti, and from that day on, he vowed to show no respect to authority. From then on his life was changed.. He became involved in a gang...This one moment, this one misunderstanding, changed the coarse of over half of the little boy's life. Corporal punishment is innapropriate and unacceptable, and there is no doubt that it being taken out of our schools was an improvement. Overall, the quality of education has skyrocketed in the past few years. A growing number and increased amount of age-groups has allowed the inclusion of more people than ever before. Technology, which is always growing itself, is helping to make education more accesable and easy. People from all over thewold are getting education. Education is ever-growing and ever-changing, and will continue to improve throughout the rest of