References: Abedon, E.P. (Nov. 2003) Parents magazine, Meredith Corporation This is a Web site that I found to be very down-to-earth. It had a lot of information that a parent/guardian could find very useful. It provides links and lists of articles on a variety of parenting topics. Andero, A.A. and Stewart, A. (June 2002) Issue of Corporal Punishment: Re-Examined, Journal of Instructional Psychology; Vol. 29 Issue 2, p90, 7p This Web site offered new insight into an old study and found some discrepancies in that study. This opened up a window of opportunity for the proponents of spanking to get some proof for their side of the argument. Dayton, JJ.D. (1994) Corporal Punishment in Public Schools: The Legal and Political Battle Continues. Education Law Reporter, 89, 729-40. This is part of the research paper that is provided by one of the main references used in this paper. It offered the description of corporal punishment. Dobson,J. (1994) Dare to Discipline. Toronto: Bantam Books. This is a book written by Dr. James Dobson that offers parents the practical advice needed in order to discipline children according to biblical values. O’Boyle, B. Ph.D. (Nov. 2008), Corporal Punishment: Physical, Psychological, and Cognitive Effect for Children This is a paper that shows the effects of spanking on children in the home and in schools that leans heavily against the practice of corporal punishment. Larzelere, R.E., Ph.D. (June 2002) Combining Love and Limits in Authoritative Parenting: A Conditional Sequence Model of Disciplinary Responses This paper includes a lot of data on the subject of corporal punishment and offers a balance of pro and con information on the topic. There are several references to be found for further study.
References: Abedon, E.P. (Nov. 2003) Parents magazine, Meredith Corporation This is a Web site that I found to be very down-to-earth. It had a lot of information that a parent/guardian could find very useful. It provides links and lists of articles on a variety of parenting topics. Andero, A.A. and Stewart, A. (June 2002) Issue of Corporal Punishment: Re-Examined, Journal of Instructional Psychology; Vol. 29 Issue 2, p90, 7p This Web site offered new insight into an old study and found some discrepancies in that study. This opened up a window of opportunity for the proponents of spanking to get some proof for their side of the argument. Dayton, JJ.D. (1994) Corporal Punishment in Public Schools: The Legal and Political Battle Continues. Education Law Reporter, 89, 729-40. This is part of the research paper that is provided by one of the main references used in this paper. It offered the description of corporal punishment. Dobson,J. (1994) Dare to Discipline. Toronto: Bantam Books. This is a book written by Dr. James Dobson that offers parents the practical advice needed in order to discipline children according to biblical values. O’Boyle, B. Ph.D. (Nov. 2008), Corporal Punishment: Physical, Psychological, and Cognitive Effect for Children This is a paper that shows the effects of spanking on children in the home and in schools that leans heavily against the practice of corporal punishment. Larzelere, R.E., Ph.D. (June 2002) Combining Love and Limits in Authoritative Parenting: A Conditional Sequence Model of Disciplinary Responses This paper includes a lot of data on the subject of corporal punishment and offers a balance of pro and con information on the topic. There are several references to be found for further study.