To : Dr Janie Liew-Tsonis
From : NurulJannah Binti Ismail
Date : 6 March 2013
Subject: Three reasons for choosing UMS
Choosing the right university is crucial. The main reason being, the right university provides you with the opportunity to grow and gain knowledge. First main reason, I choose to enter Universiti Malaysia Sabah is because I want to gain more opportunity and experience here. As we know Sabah situated on the beautiful island of Borneo, Sabah and richly blessed with nature diversity, unique cultures, fun adventure, beautiful beaches, and fantastic cuisines for the adventurous taste buds. Sabah also has diversity of culture and ethnic compared to the peninsular Malaysia. While studying in the UMS, I not only get to gain more knowledge in studies, but also knowledge from different culture.
Second reason why I choose to study in University Malaysia Sabah is because , UMS provide the course which suit with my interest which is International Business. Other than that, UMS provides lecturer that have experience and qualified. Moreover, University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is a well knew university in Malaysia. This can best describe when UMS itself listed in the top ten ranking of best university in Malaysia.
Third reason, I choose UMS because it owns landscape. According to the reliable source, UMS have won a title as one of the university that has beautiful scenery and landscape. For example, UMS have surroundings by the crystal clear ocean and large region. It can motivate us to have a good environment to study.
Prepared by
NurulJannah Binti Ismail