The corporate citizenship has been present from many years or decades ago but only from 2000s many companies start to enter in this title if we can say it like this, this happen because in many countries the people start to buy the ideas that those companies that were social responsible were better than the others ones, so this become in a competition. The government also helps and gives many benefits to the companies that where social responsible and with this everyone wants to be a corporate citizenship and start many programs or regulations to become one. There are three ways to see the corporate citizenship in the world and this theory or approaches were established by Matten and Crane, the first two that I am going to mention are the most predominant in the business world, the approaches are:
• Limited view – where corporate citizenship is used to denote corporate philanthropy in the local community, such as being a 'good citizen' in donating money to charity or helping out a local sports or arts institution.
• Equivalent view – where corporate citizenship is used to refer to corporate social responsibility.
• Extended view –