This report is based on the analysis of the concepts of corporate communication .In order to analyze the concepts of corporate communication a company is selected. The selected company in the analysis of corporate communication is Nestle. The report starts with the introduction of the Nestle. In the analysis, the corporate identity, image a reputation of the Nestle is described and the how the organization follows the rep trak model is briefed. Nestle is a company which has a strong brand name and logo. The brand name and the logo of the company are used in its all products and it affects the purchasing power of the consumers. In order to create a solid image, nestle gives huge importance to the customers of the company and they take various precautions to provide quality and safe products to their stakeholders. The reputation of the company is built through gaining the attraction of investors and motivation of the employees to create a good reputation of the company. The characteristics of rep trak model Nestle follow are innovation, products and services and leadership. Recommendations for the organization include improving their communications through formal events. Through this way, the organization can get publicity. Another recommendation is monitoring the employees and conducting workshops to improve the behavior of the employee. Last but not the least, recommendation is providing gifts to enhance effective business relationships between the stakeholders of the company.
The company Nestle was established in the year 1905, by the merger of a company called Angola-Swiss Milk Company. The company got its name “Nestle” based on the last name of the founder of the company Henri Nestle. The company developed through the first and the Second World War and expanded their products. (History,n.d)
Today, the Nestle is one of the successful multinational food and Beverage Company in the