C.S.Balasubramaniam Professor, Babasaheb Gawde Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai Email:
ABSTRACT Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) has been used by the companies while facing ugly finances and the bankers willing to consider a flexible mechanism such as CDR, as the banks /financial institutions have to reduce their Non Performing Assets (NPA) .Based on the recommendations of the Working Group on CDR Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appealed to the corporate to be exercising caution and financial discipline and the bankers to be prudent and vigilant while granting the CDR to the borrowing companies based on their prevailing financial situation. This research paper assumes topical significance now. The research paper is structured as follows: Firstly, it attempts to study the concept of CDR from the borrowing company’s context as well as from the lending bankers view. The Second part would present statistics on NPA and analysis. The Third part would examine the impact of CDR to the banking system and the economy and the emerging issues and perspectives would be posed in the Conclusion.
Keywords: Corporate Debt Restructuring, Non Performing Assets
Restructured Standard Advances, Reserve Bank of India, Banking System Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) CDR is an effective financial tool to provide a flexible mechanism to the corporate management to get back to the top line growth oriented performance ,cutting overheads / other unnecessary expenses consolidating their operations and streamlining their balance sheets, cash flows and finances . CDR would also include heavy dose of financial discipline to be followed by the internal operations, improve cash positions in the short term as well as the short term along a structured path of recovery. As part of corporate
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