Companies Act 1965
All types of incorporated companies, whether private or public, foreign or otherwise, unless formed in pursuance of some other written laws are governed under CA 1965. The Act governs matters regarding powers of the Registrar of Companies, filing of documents with the Registrar of Companies, incorporation of companies, constitution of companies, powers of companies, shares and membership, debentures, interests other than shares and debentures, registration of charges, mgt and administration of a co, officers of co, accounting and auditing of a co, receivership and winding up. The purpose of the Act is also to enhance corporate governance and thus it regulates the conduct and rights of participants dealing with the company, namely the promoters, creditors, members, company secretary, auditors, directors and other officers of the company, receivers, managers and liquidators.
Companies Regulations 1966 is one of subsidiary legislation of CA 1965 under power conferred by S373 of CA1965. It governs, amongst other matters, rules relating to statutory forms other documents, notice by substantial sholder pursuant to S 69E, 69F or 69G of CA1965,application for extension of time to hold annual general meeting, share buy-back & meeting of debenture holders. The statutory forms often quoted throughtout this book may be found in the 2nd Schedule of Companies Regulations 1966.
Companies (Reduction of Capital) Rules 1972 is one of the subsidiary legislations of CA 1965 made under, S 373 Of CA 1965. It sets the rules governing the reduction of capital of companies under S 64 of CA 1965. Statutory forms in relation to the reduction of capital may be found in the Schedule of the Rules.
Companies (Winding Up) Rules 1972 is one of the subsidiary legislations of the Companies Act 1965 made under the powers conferred by S 372 of CA 1965 and S 16 of the Courts Judicature