Elisha Masakadza (Syndicate Leader)
Frank Munyanduki
Kingsley Zimbudzana
M Jeremiah
M Chivasa
Mbairo Dhliwayo
Simba Mwaingeni
BACKGROUND * International Org (Eastern Parts) had fired employees 12mnth ago.
* Case has been in the Labour Courts for 6 months
* The Org lost the case because of failure to follow the proper labour procedures.
* NEC gave 2 options
a. Re-instate and backdate salaries 12 mnths since dismissal
b. Pay substantial damages to avoid reinstating.
* Org had an option to pay within 2 weeks file an appeal.
* One of the female workers may sue for sexual harassment by senior manager.
* Workers are dejected, demoralized and putting no extra effort.
* Conflict rampant with strained relationship between management and workers.
* The Organization has reduced business and wants to downsize.
Identification of the main issues raised in the case.
As HR consultant a. What steps would you take to address the situation (there are 4 situations) * The dismissed workers case. * Sexual harassment. * Dejected workers and strained relations with mgt. * Retrenchment and downsizing. * Recommendations
Solution Outline
Theories underlying the issues raised. * Steps to be followed by org when dismissing employees. a. Labour law b. Company Policy. Co. Procedures, Code of conduct c. Company Rules
* Consideration of the 2 options
* The Option for appeal
* Steps to addressing sexual harassment and rumour
* Steps and consideration for redundancy and downsizing.
* Steps to address dejected workers.
* Steps to address conflict and strained relationship between the management and the workers.
Solutions in Detail
Applying Theories under lying raised issues.
1. a. Labour Act (Chapter 28:01) Section 12 provides for that the employer shall inform employee in writing on engagement such as employment