Presented by: Nelson Monis
“Good governance is integral to the very existence of a company. It inspires and strengthens investor’s confidence by ensuring company’s commitment to higher growth and profits. Corporate governance is nothing more than how a corporation is administered or controlled. Corporate governance takes into consideration company stakeholders as governmental participants, the principle participants being shareholders, company management, and the board of directors. Adjunct participants may include employees and suppliers, partners, customers, governmental and professional organization regulators, and the community in which the corporation has a presence.
Because there are so many interested parties, it’s inefficient to allow them to control the company directly. Instead, the corporation operates under a system of regulations that allow stakeholders to have a voice in the corporation commensurate with their stake, yet allow the corporation to continue operating in an efficient manner. Corporate governance also takes into account audit procedures in order to monitor outcomes and how closely they adhere to goals and to motivate the organization as a whole to work toward corporate goals. By using corporate governance procedures wisely and sharing results, a corporation can motivate all stakeholders to work toward the corporation’s goals by demonstrating the benefits, to stakeholders, of the corporation’s success.
The history of the development of Indian corporate laws has been marked by interesting contrasts. At independence, India inherited one of the world's poorest economies but one which had a factory sector accounting for a tenth of the national product. In terms of corporate laws and financial system, therefore, India emerged far better endowed than most other colonies. The 1956 Companies Act as well as other laws governing the