The current scenario and ways to improve
Imran Hossain
I.D: 1321071660 BUS 690, Sec: 3
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The ventilating crisis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues in the textiles industry resulted in the engagement of many researchers in the analysis of CSR and its related factors throughout the globe. Some researchers in developed nations extend their policies beyond the boundary of CSR in the textiles industry, but some developing contexts are still limited to this boundary, including Bangladesh, India and other countries due to facts that have not yet been revealed. The review discusses, developments and reveals the factors that are resisting the implementation of CSR in the textiles industry.
In this era of competition where there is no space for error, efficiency in production plays a great part. Efficiency in all aspects, compassion for gaining advantage is the key for survival and growth. In all trade mania there’s a saying it’s the people who make all the difference in development. Like many third world countries, Bangladesh is a developing country. Its economic development depends firstly on agriculture and secondly on industry based phenomena. The large-scale production of readymade garments (RMG) in organized factories is a new growth item in Bangladesh. Since the late 1970s, the RMG industry started developing in Bangladesh primarily as in export-oriented sector. This sector is also important in other countries such as India, Vietnam, China and lots more. It rapidly attained high importance in terms of employment, foreign exchange earnings and its contribution to GDP in all countries. The concept of social responsibility is a fairly recent one in the business world. Awareness about the social responsibility of business organizations is rapidly on the rise and firms are also accepting this concept. The textile industry is no