The objective of this assignment is to finding out Corporate Social Responsibility of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd.
1. Methodology
The methodology of this report includes the evaluation of the followings:
⇨ Analyze the Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. ⇨ Finding out the goal of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. ⇨ Finding out the Vision of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. ⇨ Analyze the operation of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. ⇨ Finding out the Role of Bata in Developing the Leather Industry in Bangladesh. ⇨ Analyze and finding out the Corporate Social Responsibility of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd.
2. Source of Information
To meet the objective or goal of this report, collection of relevant, accurate, standardized and needful information was required. In bringing this report to existence we have collected data from both primary and secondary sources. Special consideration was given so that chances of biasness could not arise. The sources that we used:
← Primary Sources:
Primary data is defined as data which originates as a result of the particular investigation. We visit Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd to collect our raw data. And we used various primary data in this particular assignment or study.
← Secondary Sources:
Secondary sources refer to the use and further analysis of data collected for analytical purpose. As secondary source of information we observed many documents developed within the organizations, other published articles in newspapers, books, magazines, various websites and some guidelines of experienced persons. So many secondary source of information involved on our study or assignment.
3. Limitations
There are very few amounts of information relating to the topic of this study that are presents in the internet, books, news papers, magazines and various other sources. It is not possible to gain and access all existing information. So missing