We are in an age of enormous change in business and industry. Change can be a source of opportunities for business. It can also threaten an organisation’s survival. Today’s king is not guaranteed to be tomorrow’s emperor. We have seen this in history and politics, and we see it in business also. While at times, corporations themselves hasten their downfall by questionable decisions, at other times entrepreneurial start-ups with some luck rapidly make their way to the top. Most of the firms that dominated the old order usually disappear, replaced by new players operating in new relationships under new rules. There is no magic formula for success. The question we face is how to find the opportunity in changing environment and thus survive. Often the only way they can do so is by transforming their own business models in fundamental ways by adopting Breakthrough Management Strategy. A breakthrough management strategy is a springboard, not a perfect landing; a conversation provoker, not a definitive answer; a starter 's gun, not a finish line. It 's something that makes us stand up and take notice, not sit down and work out the application of a specific formula.
The age of corporate management can be divided in to three parts, Controlled management era, Kaizen and Breakthrough management era. The key to breakthrough management is to learn what has been learnt and learn new strategies. The opportunities lie in putting all block together & creating a fresh system of focused enterprise where it doesn’t exist earlier. It involves larger leaps of understanding, demanding a new way of seeing the whole enterprise, taking a much larger risk since there is often considerable uncertainty about future outcomes, considerable opposition to the proposal and questions about the practicality or cost of the project but if the
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