24 November 2014
Corrections Paper
What changes led corrections away from rehabilitation and toward a more punitive model?
Since World War II through the 1970s, many changes occurred in the United States correctional systems. Rehabilitation Model is a treatment program that was designed to reform the inmates. According to www.copower.org, “This model is similar to the medical model; it regards the person with a disability as in need of services from a rehabilitation professional who can provide training, therapy, counseling or other services to make up for the deficiency caused by the disability. Historically, it gained acceptance after World War II when many disabled veterans needed to be re-introduced into society. The current Vocational Rehabilitation system is designed according to this model. Persons with disabilities have been very critical of both the medical model and the rehabilitation model. While medical intervention can be required by the individual at times, it is naive and simplistic to regard the medical system as the appropriate locus for disability related policy matters”. Clear, T., & Cole, G. (2013) acknowledged that most of the states started building prisons and transformed the others in the correctional institutions between 1960s and 1970s. The rehabilitation model was conquered and the counselors or teachers administered the treatment programs at that time.
In the facilities the greater preference were security, disciple, and order. In that era prisoners enjoyed a lot constitutional rights as citizens than prisoners during the big-house era in the United States America (page145). Clear, T, & Cole, G. (2013) argued that during the past 40 years, the prison population has changed. The number of African American and Hispanic inmates has greatly increased. More inmates now come from urban areas; more of them have been convicted of drug-related and violent crimes. Incarcerated members of street gangs, which are usually organized