In the 1970s disturbances were common in the correctional system; riots would break out in order for inmates to express their desire for reform and changes in rules. Inmates didn’t approve of the crowded living conditions, harsh rules, poor food, excessive punishment, and guard brutality. Inmates demanded change in the correctional system starting with those involving basic conditions to those concerning basic rights. The prisoners were not given the opportunity to express their feeling of deprivation in the correctional system that was until the upcoming of the ombudsman (Allen, J., & Ponder, 2010).
Secure Holding and/or Monitoring of Offenders 1970s
At the start of the “modern era” inmate security and control had been improved, escape from prisons were difficult, system of identification and control, including computer banks of data, have made escape into society almost impossible. The security of the prisons was so uptight and escape cut off that the frustration and agitation for inmates turned into the prisons (Allen, J., & Ponder, 2010).
Alternatives to Incarceration in 1970s
Some alternatives to incarcerations in the 1970s given to prisoners were to work as laborers in what is called a “chain gangs”. These inmates-predominately African Americans-worked on prison-owned farms were often leased out to local farmers. This alternative to incarcerations was justified by prison superintendents as hard labor to teach offenders the value of work and self-discipline. By the mid 1970s this form of incarceration had decreased substantially due to the limit on what inmates could produce (History of Corrections -Punishment or Rehabilitation).
Treatment and Punishment in 1980s
The moral crusade against drugs and crime is accompanied by a legislative “get-tough” campaign on the state and federal levels. Popular perception is that the country has relaxed penalties and individualized sanctions that are too tolerant and
References: Allen, H. E., J., L. E., & Ponder, B. S. (2010). Corrections in America. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. History of Corrections -Punishment or Rehabilitation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Prisons as Workplaces: Community Corrections & Alternatives to Incarceration Crackdown. (2009). Retrieved from Get-Tough Legislation Jail Bait. (2009). Retrieved from NYS—Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives Racial Profiling. (2009). Retrieved from Restorative Justice Supermax. (2009). Retrieved from Thompson, S