
Corrective Procedure

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Corrective Procedure
Ronney Davis
Dr. Christian
English 102
29 March 2014
Children under the Knife I recently read an article written by Manisha Krishman titled, where do Parents Draw the Line. The article was about parents having cosmetic procedures done on their children to stop bulling, but I do agree with children having corrective procedures done for medical. I disagree with parents having corrective procedures done on children to stop bulling. My reasons are; corrective procedures want solve the problem, corrective procedures for children to undergo, but I do believe corrective procedures are necessary for medical reasons. Firstly, Corrective procedures do not solve the problem of bullying. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged
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Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real perceived power imbalance, so changing your appearance want stop you from being bullied. For example, Kelly Jarvis remembers being bucked tooth as a kid and getting bullied, her parents got her teeth fixed and she still continued to get teased and bullied (P1). This is just one instance that shows that corrective procedures want stop bullying. Vivian Diller, a clinical psychologist in New York, said, “Bullying isn’t that rational, There are smart boys who get bullied, or popular girls, or rich girls who are targets, so the notion that you can change someone’s appearance to avoid bullying is something that you do not want to assume (P3). She implores teens to think long and hard about making permanent changes to their bodies. She wants parents to know that trying to take away their children’s pain with a cosmetic fix is not always the healthiest option …show more content…
There has not been any long-term studies conducted on the effects that cosmetic surgery has on a under developed body once the person matures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 230,617 teen cosmetic procedures, ranging from botox to breast implants in 2011 (P2). I think parents should find other ways to help comfort their children through bullying or self-esteem issues. Parents should try counseling, therapy, or talking to their children themselves about the ills of society, and how cruel this world can be, before making the drastic and unnecessary decision of having cosmetic surgery. Fatah, who supports a full ban on advertising plastic surgery in public places, says if families come forward because a child is being harassed the pros and cons must be weighed carefully. “Children should not be put in an environment where they are encouraged to have plastic surgery. They should be protected and they should be counseled, even if they come forward, unless it is an absolute

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