Sociology 195 – T Dr. Gloria Luz M. Nelson
Review of Related Literature 1. Individual, family, and peer correlates of gambling, (Langhinrichen-Rohling, Rohde, Rohling, & Seeley, 2004). This study, which can be found in the Journal of Gambling Studies, took place on 2004. Its research question was to determine the family, individual, and peer factors that correlate with adolescent gambling. The methodology employed was quantitative. Using convenience sampling, a total of 1,846 adolescents from three different high schools located in three different states – Alabama, Mississippi, and Oregon, were employed. The target for the data collection was sophomores, juniors, and seniors. These adolescents belonging to the upper level of high school were chosen because the researchers wanted to target individuals who had the potential to drive or who may have had peers who were driving. There were 46 individuals who completed the data packet that were characterized as freshmen. And thus, were removed from the data set (Langhinrichen-Rohling, Rohde, Rohling, & Seeley, 2004). Aside from the ‘power’ to know the freshmen students, the data packet also included a 5-item scale which has a purpose of identifying invalid respondents. The condition is that if three or more items were scored as the invalid-direction, the person is then considered as an invalid respondent. A total of 58 or 3% of the participants were categorized to be invalid respondents. Thus they have been removed from the data set because their responses were inconsistent and invalid. Seven more individuals were removed from the data set because their answers were even more inconsistent – they have reported that they have never been to any gambling and at the same time they reported to have lost a total of 100 dollars due to gambling. A total of 111 or 6.01% of the students were removed from the data set, due to the being freshmen
References: Abbott, M., & McKenna, B. (2005). Gambling and problem gambling among recently sentenced women in New Zealand prisons. Journal of Gambling Studies, 21(4). Afifi, T., Cox, B., Enss, M., Martens, P., & Sareen, J. (2010). The relationship between problem gambling and mental and physical health correlates among a nationally representative sample of Canadian women. Canadian Journal of Public Health , 101(2). Amoroso, K., Bhullar, N., Joshi, K., & Simons, L. (2012). The relationship among drinking games, binge drnking, and gambling activities in college students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 56(2). Bechtold, J., Engel, R., Kim, Y., & Mulvaney, E. (2012). Beating the odds: Preparing graduates to address gambling related problems. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(2). Bilt, J., Dodge, H., Ganguli, M., Pandaw, R., & Shaffer, H. (2004). Gambling participation and social support among older aldults: A longitudinal community study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 20(4). Delfabbro, P., Grabosky, P., & Lahn, J. (2006). It 's not what you know about, but how you use it: Statisitical knowledge and adolescent problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 22. Korn, D., Morrison, M., Murray, M., Reynolds, J., & Skinner, H. (2006). Engaging youth about gambling using the iinternet: The website. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 97(6). Langhinrichen-Rohling, J., Rohde, P., Rohling, M., & Seeley, J. (2004). Individual, family, and peer correlaes of gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 20(1). Meyers, A., Murray, D., Whelan, J., & Wickwire, E. (2007). Environmental correlates of gambling behavior in urban adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 35. Wong, I. (2010). Internet gambling: A school-based survey among Macau students. Social Behavior and Personality, 38(3).