Researchers appear to agree that there is a correlation between poverty and childhood neglect. Raising more families out of poverty seems like it would be an easy fix, but this is not something that can be addressed in communities. It is something that needs to be addressed politically and in this current political climate both parties are on opposite sides of how to fix the welfare problem. In my opinion, one way to address the issue of poverty is to raise the national minimum wage to a living wage. Communities can get involved and vote for leaders who will address this issue. Additionally, voters need to use their voice either to approve raising the minimum wage or by letting their elected officials know this is something that needs to be
Researchers appear to agree that there is a correlation between poverty and childhood neglect. Raising more families out of poverty seems like it would be an easy fix, but this is not something that can be addressed in communities. It is something that needs to be addressed politically and in this current political climate both parties are on opposite sides of how to fix the welfare problem. In my opinion, one way to address the issue of poverty is to raise the national minimum wage to a living wage. Communities can get involved and vote for leaders who will address this issue. Additionally, voters need to use their voice either to approve raising the minimum wage or by letting their elected officials know this is something that needs to be