BSE Sensex or Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitivity Index is a value-weighted index composed of 30 stocks that started January 1, 1986. The Sensex is regarded as the pulse of the domestic stock markets in India. It consists of the 30 largest and most actively traded stocks, representative of various sectors, on the Bombay Stock Exchange. These companies account for around fifty per cent of the market capitalization of the BSE. The base value of the sensex is 100 on April 1, 1979, and the base year of BSE-SENSEX is 1978-79.
|Period |Correlation |
|Aug 1997 –Nov 2000 |0.3882 |
|Dec 2000 – Nov 2005 |0.4344 |
|Dec 2005 – July 2010 |0.7281 |
Period prior to globalization, there was not much effort to strengthen to Indo US relationship. Though there was some number of promises made but all went unfulfilled due unhealthy economic conditions for eg: The 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pakistani wars did not help their relations. During the Cold