Immoral. Never justified. Evil.
Corruption has taken its toll in the face of society.
It covers a lot of notion for it embodies a wide prospect. There is corruption in the person itself and corruption in politics, which is highly known in present conditions. In philosophical, theological and moral discussions, corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. Vast prospects are being meddled in this social and political transgression.
This paper calls for the socio-political notion that corruption is the root cause of all evil.
Corruption transpires within. It starts from a person, the idea of power blinds that person which makes him proceed to plot an act of corruption, then all else would follow. The matters of consequences, so to speak, can be easily enshrouded by the doer of the act, setting aside how grave it is, depends on the way he can conceal such mischievous acts. Immorality is clearly vindicated in this social matter.
“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... Perhaps the fear of a loss of power.”
― John Steinbeck
When corruption is put into context, most people would think that it is about political matters. Looking into the Philippine setting, politicians are prominent for meddling with monkey-business as they work for the government, for the people and most especially, for themselves. The government of the Philippines has led to the State’s slow downfall for the grave and widespread corruption that it experiences.
Corrupt officials abuse their power in order to garner more property, money and the like. Given the paramount dispositions that these officials have, it is highly tempting to make use of their power for their own personal gain or benefit. Being able to set one’s self into a position where one can easily garner money and power from the taxes of the people, having the power to manipulate public funds is great power embedded to the government officials. However,