From the Newspaper
January 17, 2011
Corruption has always been a big problem for Pakistan and is on the rise by the day. Apparently there are institutions like NAB, FIA and Ehtesab Bureau to curb corruption, but these have not succeeded in their efforts.
According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, “In 2010, Pakistan stood at 34th number as compared to 42nd in 2009”.
It means it has plunged eight more points in corruption.
The irony is that before the release of the 2010’s corruption report, some high politicians of the ruling party publicly stated that there is no corruption in
Pakistan and now the country is free from corruption.
The lack of acceptance on the part of the government is the root cause of the problem. Any problem has to be first acknowledged to make a commitment to cope with it, but this is not the case here.
According to the National Corruption Perception Survey (NCPS) 2010 of Transparency International, “The four top corrupt institutions are Police, electricity, land department and education”.
The chairman of Transparency International, Pakistan, Syed Adil Gilani, said “Corruption is the root cause of poverty, illiteracy, terrorism, shortage of electricity, food, etc. and lack of governance in Pakistan.”
Corruption is the main element and like cancer is eating up every institution of Pakistan.
The most powerful and profit earning institutions of Pakistan such as PIA, Pakistan Railways and Wapda are running in loss and are a burden on the nation only because of corruption. These have been extracting desired heavy charges from facility users, but despite that they are facing losses. Now the Haj Scam has come to the forefront that has brought the present government at the brink of crises.
We shouldn’t forget that corruption is the most powerful weapon that has so far fired many governments in Pakistan, including the second government of the PPP.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan that is