and social views during the Cold War through his use of figurative language, point of view and symbolism.
The usage of figurative language throughout 1984 displays Orwell’s distrust in the government. “If the party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, it never happened-that, surely was more terrifying than death” (34). Winston recalls how the Big Brother party did not exist when he was born so he consulted the history books only to find out he was wrong. He then thinks harder and for sure thinks that the party did not exist when he was born, only realize that the party rewrites history. The Party changes what’s written in documents and records in order to make themselves look better and to stay in power. Winston also recalled how Oceania and Eastasia were not always allied against Eurasia but, the history books say otherwise. “War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength” (27). Orwell’s usage of irony in the quote shows that although they may seem like polar opposites, they are a lot close than people realize. He wants to give hope to those who are in war, yet give a help people in peace realize they are not entirely safe. The irony also brings a new light onto these ideas on how they are coexistent. Without slavery, freedom does not exist and vice-versa.