Corruption is a ‘poison’ which squanders the government resources, deters investment and is detrimental to economic growth and political development. It flourishes, if people in authority are dishonest and corrupt, the state institutes are weak, and there is a political instability, financial control, lack of transparency in governance and disregard of the rule of law. It can be curbed if there is honest leadership, meritocracy, financial control, decentralization, vibrant civil society and media, transparency and rule of law.
We, in Pakistan are breathing in a culture which, for no better description can be called as the culture of corruption. It has permeated into every facet of our life. Not a single institution is without its black sheep whose number is ever on the increase. Corruption means “dishonesty or illegal behaviour, especially of people in authority.” A common definition of corruption is “the use of public office for private gains”. As a matter of fact; we seem to be developing Immunity towards corruption. Indulgence in corruption is no longer looked upon as an immoral or shameful act. Rather a person who does not avail the opportunity to amass wealth is regarded as either a coward or a fool. The cultural cycle is complete and we are in the grip of its spiral. Religion and moral codes or examples of earlier heroes of honesty have failed to produce any healthy influence.
Currently, according to Transparency International, Pakistan is the 46th country in the index of corrupt nations. According to calculations performed by Transparency International, Pakistan has lost an unbelievably higher amount, more than Rs8.5 trillion (US $94 billion), in corruption, tax evasion and bad governance during the last four years of Prime Minister