Table of Contents:
Introduction Page 2
Causes of Cosmetic Surgery (by Hilda) Page 3
Physical Damage after Cosmetic Surgery (by Bonnie) Page 4
Psychological Effects of Cosmetic Surgery (by Ashley) Page 5
Conclusion Page 6
Works Cited Page7
Appendix A – Women and Health: Power, Technology, Inequality, and Conflict in a Gendered World
Appendix B – Reflecting on Cosmetic Surgery: Body image, Shame and Narcissism
Appendix C – Body Work: Beauty and Self-image in American Culture
Appendix D – Body Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, and Prevention
Appendix E – Nips & tucks: Everything You Must Know Before Having Cosmetic Surgery
Appendix F – Check list
To examine the history of cosmetic surgery, Ratcliff stated that cosmetic surgery was originally used to reconstruct the injuries of the returning soldiers from the First and Second World Wars. However, due to the long-time promotions of the media in the standard of beauty of women and the turning of the effects of aging to pathological changes by doctors, the usage of cosmetic surgery has changed (133). Ratcliff reported the statistics in 1998 from the American Association, which showed 3,892,149 cosmetic surgeries for women (135).
Nowadays, cosmetic surgery becomes more common, especially for women. Instead of needing it, women see it as a want. They want to attain their ideal images by cosmetic surgery. However, the raising of cosmetic surgery causes both physical and psychological problems.
This paper will examine the causes and effects of cosmetic surgery.
Causes of Cosmetic Surgery by Hilda Kong Tsz Yan
Northrop reported the Davis’ and Gimlin’s findings in 1995 and 2002 that the
Cited: Barry, Diana. Nips & tucks: Everything You Must Know Before Having Cosmetic Surgery. Los Angeles: General Publishing Group, 1996, 17-20. Print. Cash, Thomas F., and Linda Smolak. Body Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, and Prevention. 2nd Ed. New York: The Guilford Press, 2011, 396-398. Print. Gimlin, Debra L. Body Work: Beauty and Self-image in American Culture. University of California Press, 2001, 77-78. Web. Northrop, Jane Megan. Reflecting on Cosmetic Surgery: Body image, Shame and Narcissism. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis, 2012, 157-159. Web. Ratcliff, Kathryn Strother. Women and Health: Power, Technology, Inequality, and Conflict in a Gendered World.1st ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001, 133-135. Print.