How Big Is Too Big?
Big breast implants are usually considered to be those that will give a woman a size large than a C cup. Many of today's celebrities are choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to get more gigs, whether it is in movies, TV, or the music industry. Sometimes, the surgery is kept confidential and other times, the women speak freely about it. One thing is certain; the right size is …show more content…
different for every woman.
Possible Health Concerns
Many women who have large breast implants complain of lower back pain afterwards. Much of this is due to a difference in posture and not due to the weight of the implants. Some report that they have constant pain from the surgery and others have scars that will require additional cosmetic surgery. One of the most important considerations must be who will be doing the surgery.
Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon
You have probably heard the horror stories of women who were permanently maimed because of a botched surgery.
However, it is really a small portion when compared to the number of procedures done each year. It is the number one cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States and the number of women having it done continues to grow.
When you begin your search for the right surgeon, speak with family and friends who have had the procedure done. Ask whom they would recommend, but also ask if there was anything they feel could have been better. This may be an improvement in the doctor's bedside manner, pain management, or even the cost. You need to find a licensed, certified plastic surgeon. Ask if they are a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or the American Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgeons. Membership to these organizations is limited to those that are licensed and certified. You can also inquire if there are any unresolved complaints. The internet is also a great source of information on these types of
In Closing
Breast implant sizes are something that you should talk over with your doctor. If they are quite experienced, they will be able to recommend which size will work best with your body type, lifestyle, and personal comfort level.