that this argument is both futile and tiresome because there has always been a lack of evidence to support both claims. Both arguments require some foundation of faith in their theories without any explanation of where this faith originated. In this paper, I intend to discuss that people do not need evidence to demonstrate the existence of God.
Keywords: existence of God, faith
Should People Demonstrate Evidence Of God Existence?
For a considerable length of time, the existence of God has consistently been about arguments involving of the believers and non-believers of God in history. Religion in itself requires a strong sense of faith to participate. Devout Christians will always have faith that God exists and submit to stand by the principles of their religion (Moreland, 2007, p. 20). Faith is along these lines a solid ideal that decides the viewpoint that one takes about the world and the existence of God (Cassini, 2014). A strong sense of faith is embedded in the minds of youth from adults and there is usually a lack of proof provided for children and instead they are taught to believe instead of looking for facts and evidence; faith is the key component of whether they believe in the existence of God or not. This is a similar circumstance for all individuals, whether believers of God or nonbelievers. No contentions from rationalists, scholars and scientists will have a persuasive effect on changing people’s views on “God” on this matter. This demonstrates people should not bother with evidence of God existence.
Furthermore, there are different varieties of religion in this world and for that, reason people will have different point of views on God’s existence. According to Marilyn Adamson (n.d.), there are numerous beliefs within religious matters such as Hinduism, New Age, and Buddhism. For instance, in the religion of Hinduism, they believe in praising “Brahman” through the vast depiction of gods and deities. On the other hand, Buddhism has no thought of believing the existence of God. New Age believe that people controls their own religion within themselves while, Christians have their own beliefs about God. This conveys that religions have different views on the existence of God. Therefore, Religious convictions will always form clashes between other religions since no particular group is set to go against the principles of their religion to trail behind a different belief.
Nevertheless, it would be safe to say that people should respect each other autonomy when choosing their religious practice due to the lack of evidence the existence and the non-existence of God. In other words, devout believers cannot clarify precisely why they accept the God’s existence is true. Meanwhile, atheists try to disprove this notion by claiming that a person can never be entirely sure of something they cannot see and physically touch without facts (McGrath, 2015). This proves that different religion has a diversity aspect that impacts the perception of “God” and shows that people do not need to demonstrate evidence whether God exists or not.
Moreover, there are different theories that cannot make a conclusive proof to demonstrate the existence of god.
For instance, David Hume was an agnostic philosopher who approved the skeptical observation that we do not know enough to proclaim or reject the existence of God (as cited in Soccio, 2013, p. 296). Another theory, Thomas Aquinas is a philosopher that has a theory of five ways to demonstrate God’s existence for natural reasons; these are the argument from motion, the cosmological argument, argument from necessity, the argument from gradation, and the teleological argument (Soccio, 2013, p. 230). “The argument from motion explains that motion must be given to each object by some other object that is already moving. The cosmological argument clarifies that there is a cause for everything created in this world. The argument from necessity is based on the idea that nothing had ever occurred, nothing will continually occur, hence to some degree the existence of supernatural being is necessary. The argument from gradation creates the idea that the existence of god grows from having more being than a nonliving thing. Teleological argument believes that the universe displays order and resolution that can only be the outcome of a God” (as cited in Soccio, 2013, p. 232-236). Thomas Aquinas is an example to show that with his multiple ways of proving God existence can increase many people wanting answers. The way that no theories has completely demonstrated the presence of God indicates the proposal of this paper that people do not need evidence for the existence of
Philosophers, scientists, and other masterminds do not need demonstrating evidence to the existence and the non-existence of God because people beliefs revolves on having faith and not elaborating on theories or opinions. Another dispute that demonstrates the view is that religion difference will always have different views and opinions about the existence of God. The paper discusses Buddhism, Muslims, Hinduism and Christianity who have different perceptions about God. There are different theories that have showed but cannot make a convinced evidence of the existence of God. Thomas Aquinas depicts on five different way trying to prove God’s existence. Furthermore, at the end of the day trying to prove the existence and non-existence of God is futile. People ought to have the autonomy of their perceptions of the Supreme Being because the opinions of religious people, philosophers, and other thinkers will always be the same. Therefore, the existence of god will continue to be a difficult issue to demonstrate proof. In the end, a person faith constructs the idea on whether God exists or not.