• Cosmological Argument: Every effect has a cause. The Universe exists and since something cannot come from nothing, then God exists.
• Theological Argument: Since the universe is ordered and has a useful arrangement then, the universe must have a free and intelligent cause.
• Anthropological Argument: Since man was created in the image of God, he possesses characteristics of God. A blind force could never create man.
• Moral Argument: Man has a sense of Morality or right and wrong. This morality comes from God.
• Ontological Argument: Man cannot conceive of something greater than God so God exists.
“Anti-Theistic” Explanations
• Atheistic View: The nonbelief in God. This view can be classified into three categories practical, …show more content…
dogmatic, and virtual.
• Agnostic View: The view that we cannot know God exist.
• Evolution: The view that there is no God and then attempts to explain life apart from any involvement from God.
• Polytheism: The belief in many Gods.
• Pantheism: Everything is God, and God is everything. The different forms are materialistic pantheism, hylozoism, neutralism, idealism, and philosophical mysticism.
• Deism: There is no personal God. An impersonal God created the world and then left man alone in the world.
The argument for God’s Existence That I Feel is Most Convincing.
The argument I find most convincing is the Cosmological Argument.
Why is it most convincing?
This argument is basic and straightforward. The strengths of the argument lie in both its easily comprehensible concept and simplicity that there cannot be an infinite number of causes to an event. Also, it is perfectly logical to assert that objects must have cause’s because they do not bring themselves into existence. This argument is given support by modern science with the idea of the universe originating with a Big Bang. What about that argument makes it so solid in your thinking?
St. Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) was a theologian, philosopher, and Aristotelian scholar. Aquinas is considered one the greatest Christian philosophers ever to have lived. Much of St. Thomas's thought is an attempt to understand Christian orthodoxy in view of Aristotelian philosophy. He had a version of this argument called the Argument for Motion. He stated that things in motion must be caused to move because they cannot bring themselves into motion. And since there cannot be an infinite regression of movers there must be an Unmoved Mover. This Unmoved Mover is